St.Nicholas Day Celebrations

The students of Year 3 took part in the St.Nicholas Day celebrations together with the rest of the students from our college. Firstly, they celebrated mass at the Mgarr Parish church followed by a set of Christmas activities at the Mgarr Primary school.  St Nicholas himself later joined and gave the children an insight about his life! The children later received a little gift.

Years 1 and 2 Visit Popeye Village

Precious moments for the Year 1 and the Year 2 students whilst going around Popeye’s Village. Children participated in a dance with Santa’s elves and had a really good time searching for the missing star in a puppet show. They also had the opportunity to take a photo with Santa and an opportunity to visit Santa’s workshop.

Dress Down Day at Mtarfa Primary School

To raise awareness regarding breast cancer and men’s health issues, the staff and students at our school held a dress down day. On the day everyone came wearing something pink or black and gave a donation towards Hospice Movement. To promote a healthy lifestyle the children together with their respective teachers went for a walk around the school’s block.

Ħarġa f’Marsaxlokk

Miktuba minn Jake Sciberras u Jake Vassallo

Nhar it-Tnejn, 18 ta’ Novembru, 2019, aħna t-tfal tal-ħames sena morna ħarġa sa Marsaxlokk.  Hemmhekk tkellimna dwar is-Sajd Malti. Fil-bajja ta’ Marsaxlokk rajna ħafna inġenji tas-sajd, kbar u żgħar.  Aħna ltqajna ma’ xi sajjieda u staqsejnihom xi mistoqsijiet.  Imxejna ftit u rajna wkoll il-monti ta’ Marsaxlokk.  Imbagħad morna lejn il-pjazza ta’ Marsaxlokk.  Għalkemm il-Knisja Parrokjali hija ddedikata lil Madonna ta’ Pompei, fil-pjazza nnutajna statwa ta’ Sant Andrija li huwa l-protettur tas-sajjieda. Aħna ħadna ħafna gost!

KG 2 Activities at Mtarfa Primary School

Kinder 2 pupils engage in simple activities that help to develop fine motor skills, practice co-ordination and enhance hand/eye co-ordination using simple everyday materials and a bit of creative fun. Click on the link below to watch a video of their daily work!


Fieldwork Activity for KG students at Manikata

On Friday 12th April, the Kinder classes went to Manikata to carry out a fieldwork activity. While they were there the children had the chance to see various farm animals and feed them. They extended their vocabulary by learning new names of flora. Afterwards they enjoyed eating some traditional Maltese bread and freshly picked strawberries.

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